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Now Alchemy Fullerenol may help with the following: 

  • Immune support
  • Anti-aging
  • Over-all health

PRO-TIP: Pair Atlantis with Now Alchemy's Immunity & Shilajit elixirs to improve over-all health and immunity.

Fullerenol is the new, upgraded and completely bio-available form of C60. Fullerenol is made from the same C60 carbon as traditional C60, but instead of being suspended in oil, Fullerenol is suspended in water, enhancing it's absorption and efficacy.

99.99% pure Fullerenol Carbon 60 (water soluble)

Other ingredients: Purified well water

Enjoy 3 droppers full, at least once per day, for at least 90 days before stopping. Can easily be dissolved in water or drink of choice.

Regular price $99.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $99.00 USD
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