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Angel Warrior Ritual

Angel Warrior Ritual

Angel Warrior Ritual

30 Day At-Home Fitness Routine 

Statistics show that the number one cause of death is a sedentary lifestyle. Studies show that even just 20 minutes of simply exercise per day, like the ones outline in the Angel Warrior Routine, can decrease your risk of death related disease by 18%, and increase your level of happiness and energy exponentially. 
Our team specifically chose common, simple, movements for the 30 Day Angel Warrior Routine so that everybody can do them, and so that you could google the name of any movement listed in this workout guide to see countless videos of the movements explained and performed online. 
Our core fitness belief is that "exercise" comes from the word "exorcise". Therefore, an exercise is not just for the physical body, it is for the soul and spirit body as well. Energies that do not serve you get stuck in your energetic field (aura). We see that a useful exercise is not just a "workout"; it's a "work (it) out", and that by working the lower, dense vibrations out of one's auric field, they activate the ascension process, bringing the holy trinity into balance within, and without.
Considering the law of attraction, this results in a greater ability to manifest abundance, love, and more peaceful, fruitful things into your life, and less of what you don't want.
In the earlier stages of completing The Angel Warrior Routine you may experience the uncovering of long hidden memories from traumatic events, flushes of trapped emotion releasing, and the discharge of tears or yelling. You might not, but remember this is a good thing if you do, for it is a symptom of healing. It happens because you are working it out, and this is where deep healing begins on the spiritual level, which results in physical healing too, as the body is a manifestation of the mind, and the mind is a manifestation of the spirit. When you lose weight spiritually, you feel lighter mentally, and you lose weight physically.
Easy to follow guide to radically upgrade your physical vessel
  • Metabolism, Muscle tone, Cardiovascular fitness, Skeletal system, Endocrine system, Circadian rhythm, VO2 max, Calibrate vagus nerve, Decalcify pineal gland
Healing Emotional Trauma
  • Anxiety, Depression, Sleep issues, Painful joints, Stiff hips, ADD/ADHD, Drug/alcohol addictions, Eating disorders, Codependency, Lack of motivation, Worry, Grief, Sadness, Fearful thoughts. Limiting Beliefs 
Love Your Body
  • Increase your overall quality of life, Burn fat, Build lean muscle, Strength, Flexibility, Endurance, Posture, Reduce joint pain, Free your hips & shoulders, Heart health, Replenish your glands, Strengthen your mind, Cleanse your spirit, Beautify your body, Better sleep, Raise your vibration, Manifest more abundance, Better relationships, Attract love, Detox your lymphatic system, Improve lungs
No Equipment Needed
  • Bodyweight movements , Gymnastics style training, Calisthenics, HIIT, Yoga, Tabata, Plyometrics, Meditation, Breath work

If there are any exercises or poses listed that you do not know, a simple google search will present many instructions on how to perform them.
Note: If you can not physiological achieve any particular movement, or can not achieve the recommended reputations of any movement, just perform a lower skill level variation of that movement until you are able to do the full movement and still achieve the full reputations. All variations to each exercise can be found on google. For example, if you can not perform 25 jumping squats but you can do 15 jumping squats, then perform 15 jumping squats and finish the other 10 with regular air squats.
If you need to stop to take a breather during any particular set, that is okay, just do your best every day.
If you become very sore, Now Alchemy Elysium may help reduce muscle cramping, soreness and increase recovery rates.

FDA disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to cure, treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. 
*Results may very from person to person
By using The 30 Day Angel Warrior Routine you agree to release Now Alchemy and anyone in any way affiliated with Now Alchemy from any and all liability, and do not hold Now Alchemy responsible for any injury or harm of any type. By using The 30 Day Angel Warrior Routine, and any other workouts shared by Now Alchemy, you agree to properly warm up, move at a comfortable pace and drink plenty of water. 
Regular price $93.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $93.00 USD
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