News — chlorella



DETOX WHY? The fact remains that now more than ever detox is critically important! We all must do everything in our power to cleanse our vessels so that we can have a clear mind and spirit to allow our soul to shine through and true! This is why we have created so many amazing, unique and organic detox elixirs for you. WHO? Detoxing is essential for all children and adults to varying degrees. Depending on your age, environment, genetics and lifestyle your dosages and needs for detoxifying agents may differ. This is why it is so important that you do your...

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The world's best chelators

The world's best chelators

METAL-TOX INGREDIENTS Now Alchemy Metal-Tox is a combination of the world's strongest chelating agents. A chelator is a compound that binds to heavy metals and removes them from the body! Lipsomal EDTA - EDTA, also known as Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, is used to pull calcification out of the body(decalcifying the pineal gland) and also to bind to heavy metals and remove them from the body. N-R-Lipoic Acid - a vitamin like substance which has been shown to reduce inflammation, slow the aging process, detox the liver, and remove heavy metals like mercury and lead from the body. Cilantro and Parsley - These plants are not...

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