News — detox



DETOX WHY? The fact remains that now more than ever detox is critically important! We all must do everything in our power to cleanse our vessels so that we can have a clear mind and spirit to allow our soul to shine through and true! This is why we have created so many amazing, unique and organic detox elixirs for you. WHO? Detoxing is essential for all children and adults to varying degrees. Depending on your age, environment, genetics and lifestyle your dosages and needs for detoxifying agents may differ. This is why it is so important that you do your...

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N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)

N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)

N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a special form of the amino acid cysteine that your body doesn't make, and is not found in foods, but that plays a critical role in your longevity. Like cysteine, NAC bonds with glutamine and glycine to form glutathione, a powerful antioxidant. Glutathione performs many functions throughout your body, such as helping to maintain your immune system.    One of NAC’s most important jobs is to help your body replenish its glutathione stores. Glutathione is potential the most important amino acid your body makes and is purported to reverse the aging process, prevent cancer, and preserve memory. It is also...

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What is EDTA?

What is EDTA?

EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is a water-soluble compound that belongs to a class of molecules called chelators (from the Greek word chelé, meaning “claw”) that bind(chelate), metals and remove them from the body. This may help detox excess graphene oxide.EDTA was first used in the 1950s for the treatment of heavy metal poisoning. Calcium disodium EDTA chelation removes heavy metals and is approved by the FDA for use in treating lead poisoning and toxicity from other heavy metals. Intravenous EDTA is used to treat lead poisoning and brain damage caused by lead poisoning; to see how well therapy for suspected lead poisoning is working; to treat poisonings...

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The world's best chelators

The world's best chelators

METAL-TOX INGREDIENTS Now Alchemy Metal-Tox is a combination of the world's strongest chelating agents. A chelator is a compound that binds to heavy metals and removes them from the body! Lipsomal EDTA - EDTA, also known as Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, is used to pull calcification out of the body(decalcifying the pineal gland) and also to bind to heavy metals and remove them from the body. N-R-Lipoic Acid - a vitamin like substance which has been shown to reduce inflammation, slow the aging process, detox the liver, and remove heavy metals like mercury and lead from the body. Cilantro and Parsley - These plants are not...

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